01 March 2013

Feeding My (Student-less) Soul

In a small community, certain job opportunities only open once in a great while, and so begins the reason I left the classroom. With a recently issued masters, my decision to leave my eleventh grade students made much more time for my young family; however, it did not take long for me to feel the absence of my students. Serving as an educator truly is a calling that no paycheck can match. No longer was I greeted daily with smiling, eager faces nor were there the frequent thank-you notes discovered when I most needed rejuvenation. Of course, I told myself that by working with teachers, I was going to be able to impact more classrooms, more students' lives. (I told myself again and again.)

However, such an impact doesn't happen on its own. I relished every chance I had to work with teachers and found myself continually offering my services in an effort to wiggle back into the classroom and see the impact first-hand. But the professional development computer lab is not a classroom where I controlled the curriculum any longer. Right or wrong, I found myself feeling underutilized and undervalued. I went into education to make a difference. Was I still making one? How could I measure that? What was happening when teachers left a "training" and heading back into the wild? 

What could I learn from so many great educators I had discovered through AzTEA, ISTE conferences, and social media who were now serving in the same capacity? Stop the pity party and do something about it.

To feed my soul, I had to ask: What did I love about teaching teenagers? Those who have been in the classroom know that it certainly wasn't the paycheck, long hours, or red-tape. It absolutely wasn't hoarding writing utensils to take back to the classroom, begging for donations, or hauling stacks of papers to and from my car. I lived for watching lightbulbs ignite, proud moments of success, and seeing children blossom into young men and women. I especially welcomed having those apathetic, disengaged, often unwanted students because of the challenge. I recognized the potential for growth and change, and I was energized when they saw what could be. While I "taught" language arts, I knew my lessons were beyond content and lifelong. So what could I take from my years as a high school educator into my new role working with teachers? Ultimately, I still needed to help realize dreams, assist in making them happen, and showcase those achievements. 

This year, amid all my employer-listed responsibilities and family commitments, I decided to work with teachers who are embracing educational technology, provide them with assistance, and showcase their efforts. Receiving kudos are always welcomed in a world where acknowledgments are seldom shared, and in this information age, we can certainly learn from and connect with our hard-working colleagues. We need inspiration, ideas, and examples on our best and worst days. Many educators are not self-promoting or key marketers, and if I can help to share their ideas, then I should. If I can offer accolades on a larger scale, then I must. Another blog amid the many? Yes.

Even though I have composed hundreds of blog posts in my head, this is my inaugural attempt at blogging, and I am sure it will evolve and improve. (+Kyle Pace did tell me to just start, and I am sure the handful of readers will offer their two cents!) I wanted my students to jump in; I need to walk the talk. Expect to see some educators highlighted who hail from my area peppered with my own reflections and musings. I welcome connections, feedback, and opportunities. While I know I am beginning with a handful of readers, and in no way a following, there is always the hope that one post can matter to at least one person.

In the end, it does seem a bit silly that it took me a few years to give myself advice that I would have quickly delivered to my students, but I do know sometimes the solutions come about after a bit of struggle. I am just beginning my journey, and I honestly cannot say where it will take me. Yet I am learning to be more flexible by taking control. Somewhat paradoxical, but that is life, no?

My first year as a teacher (dress your homeroom teacher challenge). 


  1. Thank you for posting this. (Great first post, BTW) It's timely for me as I am considering a move out of the classroom into a very similar position to the one in which you are. You've described my greatest fear in this post. I'm ready to facilitate change on a larger scale, but I love what I do. I love teaching. I love being in the classroom. I'm not sure I would get the same enjoyment out of a position where I have much less contact with students.

    One of the things I'm considering is looking for opportunities to teach pre-service teachers on a part-time basis if I make such a switch. I'm thinking that might offer me the opportunity to get that instant feedback I enjoy so much.

    Again, thanks for the post. Sharing your experience has certainly helped me get my thoughts in order.


    1. Mike,

      I know you are going to be such an asset! The enjoyment will be different, but I know your passion will continue even if you leave the classroom.

      I can't wait to hear about your new adventures.

  2. I remember sharing those same feelings when I left the classroom 10 years ago to become an Instructional Technology Specialist and to be honest it took a few years to find the joy in my job to replace the joy of having my own classroom. When I could see the positive changes in a teacher's teaching style making a positive impact on her students I found the joy. I also feel an important part of training teachers is to be in the classroom to give support or model as they start to integrate technology. Then having the wisdom to let go (gradual release) and give them time to develop the confidence they need to fly on their own. It is a wonderful job, the best of my life and unfortunately with the state of economy these positions are being cut or looked at as a frill. Do it as long as you can, look for another place that values this contribution to education. If teachers get the training and support they need the impact on students will be great.

    1. Sabrina,

      Your words matter more today than you'll even know. I appreciate you sharing your experiences, and I look forward to learning more from you in the future.

  3. Ms. Julia, I have a different perspective than most who will read this post as you are both a dear friend and respected co-worker. I have no personal nor professional regrets for recruiting you to this position. You continue to do an awesome job and are an exemplary role model to all. You have affected many teachers and administrators, and therefore indirectly had a positive impact on student learning. You are making a difference in the classroom.


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